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New Features for Preparing e-TDS/TCS Returns Available on NSDL Portal

e-TDS & TCS New Features for Taxpayers

National Securities Depository Limited, an Indian central securities depository, released the new features in e-TDS and TCS. The NSDL has amended and updated the e-TDS TCS RPU utility for the purpose of preparing TDS or TCS returns.

NSDL has enabled the e-TDS/TCS File validation utility (FVU) versions 2.167 up to Financial Year 2009-10 and Version 7.1 for FY 2010-11 onwards.

The New Column

“Values in the newly added field” shall be allowed only when the financial year of the statement is 2020-21 and Quarter 4 onwards is selected. For the rest prior FYs and quarters, this field is not applicable. The same shall be applicable for regular as well as correction statements.

If “Dividend” is present in the field Nature of Remittances then Fields in the Form 27Q i.e.

Firstly, if the rate of deduction is lower than 20%-Remark value as ‘C’.

Secondly, the Permanent Account Number of the deductee is not available (i.e. ‘PANNOTAVBL’, ‘PANAPPLIED’ or ‘PANINVALID’)

Thirdly, value under field no. 36 (that is Nature of remittances) is

The same shall be applicable for regular as well as a correction (C3 correction) statements pertaining to Financial Year 2020-21 Q3 onwards.

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