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Know All About Director Identification Number (DIN) Under MCA

Director Identification Number (DIN) Under MCADirector Identification Number (DIN) Under MCA
Director Identification Number (DIN) Under MCA

A Company is a legal entity made of association of people having the same goal or purpose. A company doesn’t have any physical appearance but to run its work and affairs some natural persons are required. There could be a number of people but director are specially appointed by shareholders to manage the day to day affairs of the company. As per Companies Act 2013, every individual, who is the director of a company or who wants to be a director in a company needs to obtain the Director Identification Number (DIN).


E-FormPurpose of FormTimelineLast Date to FileRemark
DIR-3 KYCKYC of DirectorsAnnual Compliance30th September 2024Every individual who holds DIN as on 31st March 2024 and who has not filed DIR 3 KYC form previously or there is a change in email id and mobile number.
DIR-3 KYC WebKYC of DirectorsAnnual Compliance30th September 2024Every individual who have previously filed form DIR-3 KYC and there is no change in email id and mobile number.

What is DIN Number and Where is DIN Used?

Director Identification Number or DIN (MCA) is an 8-digit unique identification number, which is allotted by the central government to each individual who wants to be a director of any company or who already is a director of any company. Once allotted the DIN number has lifetime validity. With the DIN number government also maintain a database of all the director. An individual can have only one DIN but he can be the director of 2 or more companies.

DIN number (MCA) is always mentioned underneath the signature of the Director, whenever an important document, Information letter or a return will be submitted under any law.

How to Apply for Allotment of DIN Number?

The Procedure to apply for allotment of DIN number is very simple. First of all go through Section 153 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 9 of the Companies Rules 2014, which provides the provision for applying for allotment of DIN number in MCA.

Go Through the Following Procedure and Apply with DIN Application:

How is DIN Number Allotted?

The central Government and its delegated authority process and authenticate the received Form DIR-3. Among other things, they consider the rules given in Section 154 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 10 of the Companies Rules 2014 (Appointment and Qualification of Director) when considering DIN number allotment to an applicant.

By considering these rules and provisions the form will be processed and the DIN number will be allotted within a month. The central Government and its delegated authority to accept or reject the form and in the same matter, they communicate with the applicant using the electronics or any other medium of communication. Central Government Communicate the Allotted DIN of the applicant within one month. That’s how the DIN is allotted to an individual.

What if the Application of DIN Allotment is Rejected?

If the Application form of DIN Allotment has been rejected due to the submission of any wrong or misleading information in the form. The central government permits a time limit of 15 days to rectify it. Within this given time period, the person has to fill and submit a fresh form with all the correct details.

Read Also: AGM Due Date for New Company Under Companies Act 2013

If somehow he/she failed to do that, the application form will become invalid and the fee will be forfeited.

How to Make Changes in the DIR-3 Form?

Whenever there are changes in the details provided in Form-DIR-3., the person has to inform the central government by filling the form Form-DIR-6.

Other Provisions Related to DIN:

If the director or company fails to comply with these provisions within the time period, then it will be considered a contravention of the law and the responsible party will be liable to punishment under the act.

Important Update: Deactivation of Over 19 Lakh DINs by MCA

In the MCA21 Database, over 19 Lakh Director Identification Numbers (DINs) have been deactivated by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). Total number of DINs deactivated counts to 19,40,313 as on 28.11.2019. The move has been taken due to the non-filing of Know Your Client  (KYC). Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, Minister of State for Finance & Corporate Affairs, clarified this in a written reply when questioned in Rajya Sabha on December 4th.

It was further clarified by the Minister that the information about the employment details of DIN holders/director is not available in the MCA21 Database. Minister informed the Rajya Sabha that the definition of “Shell Companies” and “Ghost Director” are not given in the Companies Act, 2013.

On the other hand, around 3,38,963 companies were disqualified under section 248 of the Companies Act, 2013 by the Registrar of Companies (ROCs) during the Fiscal Year 2017-18 and 2018-19, because they failed to file their Financial Statements or Annual Returns. Under section 164(2)(a) and 167(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, the sum of 4,24,454 director were also ruled out in the same financial year.

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