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DGGI Pledges Upto 20% Reward for Providing Details of GST Evasion

DGGI Reward Scheme to Crack Down Tax Evasion

For handling the GST evasion, the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) said that they shall reward those who share the data that renders to the tax recovery, under the message from the probe agency.

The agency which deals with cases concerning Goods and Services Tax violation, central excise duty, and service tax mentioned in the message has been published on its website furnishes the right tax amount in a social obligation for the nation, and since the taxes would be the major source of the government finance, tax evasion that strains people and loads with the chores of the development of the country.

Director General of the probe agency Surjit Bhujabal specified that “We would urge all citizens to join hands with us in the task of bringing evaders of indirect taxes such as central excise duty, service tax, and GST to the books. Contact us through a letter, phone, e-mail, website, or in person wherever you feel that there is a tax evader in the shadows. We promise that we will take action. We promise you confidentiality and a monetary reward too in cases where your information has led to a recovery of taxes,” Bhujabal took charge as the Director General of GST Intelligence earlier this month from senior revenue official Alok Shukla who finished his term dated 10 October.

Under the mentioned guidelines that have been furnished beneath the statutes like the CGST Act, Customs Act, Central Excise Act, and Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, rewards are given to informers and government servants.

The kind of rules would be applied to those who have provided the data concerning the assets, and immovable properties of the individuals from whom the arrears of duty, tax, fine, and penalty would be recovered, and the data that provides the outcome in the recovery arrears. The said guidelines shall be applied to government servants who had done a great job in tax recovery according to the mentioned data on these guidelines which is available from the DGGIs portal.

The informers along with the government servants would be entitled to a reward of 20% of the net sale proceeds of the banned goods seized and/or amount of duties/ service tax evaded along with the amount of penalty imposed and recovered, the DGGI reward scheme indicated.

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