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Clear Your Confusion Regarding Extension of Tax Deadline as Dates of FY Overlap

No Confusion for Tax Deadline Extension

The Financial Year 2019-20 has not ended well, the last dates of some tax compliance Check out the compliance calendar of Income-tax and GST for Feb to May 2020 with brief details. Also, we attached the latest notification of Income-tax and GST. Read more  have been extended till 30th June but not the Financial year.

The Lockdown in India started from March 22, 2020, and back to back lockdowns are still going on to contain the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic. The previous financial year also ended in between, the government extended the last date of some of the compliance but it actually made people confused about the last dates of most of the compliances. Recently the Financial Minister increased the last date further of some compliance which makes people more confused. So to clear the picture, here we are engraving the last dates of some of the compliances.

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