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Caterers and Canteens Need Clarification On GST Rates

GST Rates on Caterers & Canteens

The food coupon providers, catering industry and companies arranging food for employers are facing difficulties in filing GST as the tax rate varies from 5% to 18% which is not particular and rely on the category you consider them.

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A known tax specialist stated that, “Canteen supplies in any organisation by self or by third-party contractors have been treated as outdoor catering in the service tax regime and the tax was paid accordingly, However, clarity is required on such supplies in the GST regime given that industry is not clear whether to charge 18% as outdoor catering or 5% without credit as in the case of a restaurant.”

Generally, the canteen service attracts 5% GST and outdoor catering considers 18% GST. In November, the government reduced the 5% GST on food or beverage supplied from the mess or canteen. As the food is not made on-site and is supplied by caterers. The confusion has been raised in the industry and customers have to suffer in revenue losses. The catering industry now presented this issue in front of the GST Council and asked to resolve the confusion.

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As the employers from its own resources start providing food to the employees, there is numerous confusion over the particular clarification. Another expert from the industry states, “Since the GST rate for canteen is 5%, this should ideally apply in all cases where food is made available to employees, irrespective of the fact whether companies do it themselves or outsource it to third parties.”

A proper clarification is required to further step ahead in this matter as to what the actual GST rate would be applicable. It is now to be seen what the course of action it would take for the government to regularize the proper GST rates on different sectors including the canteen industry.

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