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Assam Govt Notifies Instruction No. 13/2023 Regarding DRC 01

GST Instruction No. 13/2023 Related to DRC 01

The Assam GST Department released Instruction No. 13/2023-GST on December 26, 2023. This instruction is about the notices that were sent out using IIT Big Data Software.
Notice No. CT/GST-40/2020/108 is about the IIT Big Data Software that the Assam Tax Department has bought to make their work easier. This software can automatically create notices (in DRC-01) based on various factors.

Some taxpayers have reported that they have received these notices for the financial years 2017-18 and 2018-19, even though they have already been assessed for things like scrutiny, audit, and advisory/summons. Because there were many practical issues when GST was first implemented, it’s recommended to stop the proceedings. The following instructions should be kept in mind.

In cases where removal of notice is not required, having regard to the above criteria, notice will be given appropriately. The taxpayer should be given an opportunity of being heard and the proceedings should be completed in a time-bound manner.

The above instructions will be strictly followed. In cases where withdrawal notice is required, no written arguments are called for nor is the taxpayer called for any personal hearing. In such cases, the proper officer will close the proceedings based on the facts and materials of each case after recording the reasons. Wherever applicable, the taxpayer should be informed about the quitting proceedings without fail.

Important: A Proper Example of Respond DRC-01 Notice to GST Officer

All proper authorities must strictly follow the legal provisions and relevant guidelines/circulars in this respect. Strict action will be taken in case of non-compliance. Apart from this, it needs to be ensured that no taxpayer faces any trouble and that the department receives the appropriate tax.

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