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AITAF Seeks Security Provisions Under GST

As the issues were raised earlier on the confidentiality of the taxpaying data, it is now again a matter in the GSTN arena that the All India Tax Advocates Forum (AITAF) has demanded an all round confidentiality and security of the details of the taxpaying data which will be uploaded by the assessees in the upcoming goods and service tax in India.

AITAF President MK Gandhi detailed the issue by saying that, “While framing the GST Rules, adequate safeguards of the information provided by the assessee like records, accounts, returns and statements to the tax under the new tax system must be ensured and penal provision be made for unauthorized disclosure or leakage of such information,”

The president AITAF when giving the presentation to the union finance minister Arun Jaitley also said that these such provisions of the security and protection of the details and information of the account and relevant data uploaded by the taxpayers to the tax department are already there in the DVAT act.

As all the statements received or the returns finished up by the taxpayers or any accounts related details furnished and the documents presented according to the Act are very much secured and are considered confidential according to the act and are under the current Delhi Value Added Tax (DVAT) Act.

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AITAF President MK Gandhi also said that “Protection of confidentiality of information submitted to the tax authorities is of extreme importance. Any compromise on this front will jeopardize the competitiveness of business enterprise, which holds key to economic growth.”

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