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18% GST on Govt Contracts, Circular for Reworking Estimates

18% GST Instead of 12% on Govt. Contracts

The government of Goa rendered all of its departments to rework the infrastructure project cost via computing the GST at 18% in between the withdrawal of the concessional rate of 12% for the contracts of the government.

The finance department has circulated a notice to all state departments and agencies. The same mentioned that the payments for the tendered and current preceding works must be computed again.

The states finance secretary specified in the circular-

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The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) held that in January 2022, withdrawing the 12% GST rate for government contracts. But, the Goa government surged the GST on government contracts to 18% on 18th July 2022.

It has been seen that by the GST enforcement officers, the contractors were not furnishing GST either via not furnishing the returns or wrong reporting the value of the contract. Therefore the finance department specified to all the government departments and people to confirm and verify that proper and strict GST compliance would be there for all.

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